With over 100,000 items in our collection, Estill County Public Library has something for everyone. We have a wide selection of books, including bestsellers, classics, and non-fiction titles. We also have a large collection of movies, music, and audiobooks.
I began working at the Estill County Public Library on May 8, 2017. It is ever changing and constantly adapting to new ways of offering programming to the adults in the community. From offering book clubs, crafts, concerts, and resume help. In the time I have been with the library I've tried to introduce new ideas to programming and new reading material as well.
I was born and raised in Powell County on a little farm on High Rock Road. I've worked in tobacco, hay, and the garden. We raised cows, chickens, and pigs to keep food on the table.
My husband and I currently live across the road where I was raised. We have a teenage daughter, Angela, and a 11 year old son, Matthew. My husband and I have been happily married for 20 years now. We love to fish, camp, watch old movies and tv shows, and explore the backroads of Kentucky.
I consider it a privilege to be working so close to home and in a job that I truly love. I am an avid reader and enjoy about any type of book except anything too scary or grotesque. I love my job and the wonderful staff, and the many great people I've met on this journey. I've always wanted to work in a library and be surrounded by books, and I hope to pass that love of books to others along the way. I am proud to call Estill County my 2nd home!